I am passionate about inspiring others to find their creative niche and connect it to nature. The reason I started my blog was to inspire other makers to take their makes into the outdoors; to feel the peace and energy that I feel when I am outside. My goal is to spread the word that nature and yarn combine beautifully and anyone can join in – whether you look out the window while crocheting, create a warm hat to hike in, or climb a mountain with your yarn in your pack. I want to create a community around this idea, so I started the hashtag #wildyarning to get this rolling and am so excited to see people participating. I want everyone to have fun, both creating their makes and then taking them outside!

The truck doors slam as everyone jumps out to grab their packs from the back. We gather around the truck bed to stuff last minute snacks, hats, goggles, and sunscreen into our already bulging backpacks. I double check my yarn stash and see that my trusty J hook is nestled in the ziplock baggie with two skeins of variegated pastel yarn – you never can be too careful keeping your crochet goodies dry on a ski trip! The yarn smashes right into the corner of my pack, an advantage of choosing the light and packable hobby of crochet for alpine excursions.

The sun is shining and there are smiles all around as we set off on skis across the frozen lake. Bow Hut, tonight’s destination, is not yet in view. Sweaty and laughing, we skin uphill over snow bridges and through canyons, our heavy packs swinging on our backs. We pause halfway through our trek to take a ski lap on an enticing hill, always checking the horizon for a glimpse of the alpine hut. When we finally see it, it is much closer and larger than I expect. And oh-so-inviting. We ski through the afternoon and slide up to the hut as the sun slips behind a tall ridge.

Once inside, we claim bunks and unpack our gear. I grab my ball of yarn and hook and find a cozy seat next to a snow-streaked window. Just in time to get some rows done on my work-in-progress as the sun sets behind the mountains. I am creating a cozy wide-brimmed hat, with a large pompom, as a memento to remember the trip by. That night, I shove the skeins of yarn and my half-made hat into my sleeping bag stuff sack for a pillow. I quickly fall asleep on the shared sleeping platform among my friends and our newly made acquaintances. Another reason crocheting and backpacking work so well together – extra-fluffy pillows!

We get up early the next day to set off for Guy Hut. I carefully repack my gear and we all tie onto a rope for the glacier we’ll be crossing. It snowed all night and continues to snow as we toil over mountain passes and down glaciated valleys for the out-of-the-way, but cozy hut that is our next lodging. That night, we have the hut to ourselves. No other parties come by as the wind increases and the weather worsens. I pick up where I left off with my hat and crochet overlooking a windswept and snowy expanse. We have glimpses through the low clouds of the pass that leads out to the third and final hut of the trip. I finish my hat that evening and picture wearing it out in the storm that’s sweeping through; glad that my own hands can create such a beautiful and useful thing in such an inspiring and stark landscape. We finish the trip with increasingly clear and sunny weather; all are satisfied from the efforts and rewards of a backcountry trip. As we ski out to our truck, I tuck my newly-made beanie into the top of my pack – safe and sound for the next adventure that awaits.

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I love designing and crocheting projects while on backcountry trips. The makes become unique and heartfelt reminders of my adventures. My second crochet design ever, the Sunset Wall Hanging, I designed and crocheted on rest days while on a six day backpacking and climbing trip in Idaho’s Sawtooth Wilderness. Every time I see it hanging on the wall I am transported to peaceful days by an alpine lake where we camped, interspersed with incredible rock climbs high on the granite walls above.

Trips like this ski traverse are what inspired me to begin my blog. They encompass what #WildYarning means to me. This does not mean that #WildYarning is only about carrying five days of food and gear on my back (plus yarn!) to a remote location, though. It is also about sitting on a park bench and crocheting while looking out across Bellingham Bay, or incorporating local mountains and features in my designs. There is no single way to experience it. #WildYarning is, simply, however you choose to combine nature with your craft. I derive such peace, motivation, and joy in the outdoors. These feelings are especially enhanced when I can mix my creative passions with being outside and breathing fresh mountain air. I created my blog Hook Yarn Carabiner and the hashtag #WildYarning to bring together my love of crafting and the great outdoors.

Thank you for reading about my thoughts on #WildYarning. Please let me know how YOU incorporate the outdoors in your yarnsplorations, comment below!
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