A slouchy, cozy, lightweight beanie with a lovely chevron pattern and double brim. This quick and easy design will keep you warm and stylish! The lightweight merino wool yarn makes for a soft and comfy beanie and the stripes bring out the beautiful chevron design.

In this kit, you will receive knit and crochet patterns, red yarn, pink yarn, white yarn, light green yarn, dark green yarn, black yarn, stuffing, and a darning needle; along with a pair of 4 (3mm) double-pointed knitting needles and a C (3mm) crochet hook.

I found the yarn quality high and the amounts perfect for the two watermelon slices. The pattern was very easy to follow and printed on nice thick paper. I had some leftover stuffing, but also did not stuff my slices very heavily. I used the provided darning needle to sew up the slices and add on the black seeds. The only piece of the kit that I did not use was the provided crochet hook. I found it bendy and difficult to crochet with, and had my own hook on hand to replace it. All in all, a wonderful kit and a delightful afternoon spent creating my watermelon slices and then playing with them with my kitties.

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