Add a splash of color to your winter wardrobe! This cowl uses one skein of bulky yarn and works up in a matter of hours – get making!

This chunky cowl works up quickly with bulky yarn and window stitches – perfect for beginners or those looking for a quick winter make.

This design was inspired by my Sunset Wall Hanging Pattern; I have always loved the texture in it and have meant to make it into a cowl for a while now!

I had some lap kitties helping me out while I designed this one. They enjoyed the warm wip as much as I did!

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This is a one-size-fits-all scarf, but can easily be widened or lengthened. I love how cozy it is even with the window stitches – that bulky yarn is just so warm!



ch: chain

st: stitch

sp: space

ch-2 sp: chain two space

sk: skip stitch

dc: double crochet

dc2tog: double crochet two stitches together.


The chevron shape of the cowl is created by increasing in the middle stitch and decreasing on the ends – every row. Every third row is a “window” row with openings made by chaining and skipping stitches. The cowl is constructed flat and sewn into a cowl after – point in front. Chains at beginning of rows don’t count as stitches.

Chain: 75 (place st marker on middle st; 38th st from hook)

(Wondering what the checkboxes are for? Check out this tutorial and make online patterns easier to follow!)

Do not finish off.


With your same yarn and crochet hook, fold your cowl in half (wrong side out) and single crochet it closed. Finish off and leave long ends for sewing. Turn right side out and move on to the finishing step below.


If you prefer a video tutorial, I made a quick one to explain how to finish your cowl below; otherwise there are written steps further down.

Follow the seam down to one of the points where your long yarn tails are left. With right side out; fold the point under, inside the cowl. Flip your cowl over and secure the two yarn ends with a knot. Weave your ends in, once finished

The point is positioned in front and the back is cozy and warm with a double layer of crochet.

Your cowl is all done! Pop it on and stay warm outdoors!

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